Both test methods, Surface Insulation Resistance (SIR) and Anodic Conductivity across Fragmentations (CAF) are relatively new methods of determining product quality.
SIR, also used for over 40 years to investigate materials, has now been used as a method of predicting circuit behavior from an electrochemical point of view. It is now being used to analyze the manufacturing process. It is carried out on a representative circuit for testing under temperature and humidity to determine if there are adverse reactions on its insulating surface that could affect the long-term performance of the vehicle.
Interestingly, research carried out by NPL has proven that low voltages and close conductors increase the susceptibility to electro-chemical failure. AutoSIR, can measure all these effects at levels of1014 Ohms.
CAF can measure how it will affect the performance of the dentrites on our surface. So this is used to determine production quality and product performance. AutoSIR is able to measure these influences effectively.
AutoSIR represents the latest technology in precision automatic insulation resistance measurement (SIR) testing.
The system was developed by GEN3 systems (formally concoat systems) in collaboration with the world renowned English National Physical Laboratory (NPL). It is used in both SIR and CAF (Cathodic [Conductive] Anodic Fragmentation) tests.
AutoSIR was used in recent investigations of these measurement techniques and in international standard investigations. It is in use in numerous laboratories around the world, as well as in most of the world’s major laboratories.
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