DAGE | X-Ray | Tomography (UCT) Software

Reference: DAXUCT

Software and hardware module for 3D tomographic reconstructions together with the DAGE X-Ray equipment.

The software allows the acquisition in real time of a 3D volume after the acquisition of 2D images from the X-Ray equipment.

It allows definitions of 512 and 1024 Voxels.

Simple CT and viewing software
Maximum sample size 150x135mm
Maximum inspection area is 44x34mm (II)
Maximum inspection area is 60x45mm (FP)
Full and sub – volume reconstructions using Feldkamp cone cone cone Volume reconstruction using Feldkamp cone beam reconstruction
Measurement functions
Precision sample rotation stage


* Fast switching between 2D and 3D analysis
*Use with either an image intensifier or a flat panel detector
* Very fast CT Reconstruction Model Dedicated high spec PC GPU
* 5123, 10243 and 20483 models available
* Provides Virtual Micro – Analysis Sections
* QuickView CT for faster CT Model Acquisition
* QuickView CT for faster CT Model Acquisition

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