PROMOCLEAN DIPER 607 is a water-based cleaner formulated to remove all types of baked-on flux residues left on printed circuit board assemblies. Its high wetting performance allows for efficient removal of lead-free solder pastes and fluxes.
PROMOCLEAN DIPER 607 is mineral and organic in nature, giving it optimized solubilization of residues in solution. Its chemical formulation is particularly suitable for the removal of new generations of creams and solder fluxes dedicated to lead-free assemblies. It has a very good rinsability during the cleaning process. Its concentration of active ingredients means optimized life.Recommended for markets and applications that demand high reliability in their electronic products such as Aerospace, Military and Defense, Transportation, Energy, Medical and others.
Created by Inventec, Greenway is a certification that validates a successful green design of Inventec’s products or services, verified by Bureau Veritas. CHARACTERISTICS:
PROMOCLEANT DISPER 607 is a light yellow moderate alkaline liquid. It is biodegradable in accordance with regulation 648/ 2004. It is a low VOC, non-flammable cleaner. It is considered a non-hazardous material.
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